About Cosmonova

Pollution and destruction of our environment based on the exlusive goals of consume and profits cannot be the basis for sustainable future.

Cosmonova consists of different institutions with the following goals:

  • Create a world for future generations that is worth living in
  • To sensitize for a more conscious use of natural resources (raw materials, energy, air, water, food)
  • Critical discussion of societal values
  • Sustainable development aid in the energy sector

 Logo Cosmonova                     

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Aside from consulting and sales, Cosmonova offers the installation and maintenance of electronic devices and systems in the renewable energy sector and household technology.

This is our mission. This is our passion. This is what motivates us.

Become independent through the use of natural resources like solar energy, wind energy or water power. We do not only offer solutions for water treatment but everything around recycling. With the help of modern technology and our own technical development in Ecuador we are able to easily and quickly integrate our customers needs and wishes.

Do something to support the environment without giving up the amenities of the modern life. We can help you to realize new paradigms and ideas.

Cosmonova guarantees responsible action towards partners, clients, suppliers and the environment.

Help and do something for future generations too!




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